This is the second Q&A in a series where we find out a little more about the people behind Social Art Publications.
1. Who are you?
Deborah Weinreb +D. I am a socially engaged artist. Although I haven’t published books myself, I have helped others put books together and have quite a lot of knowledge of the book world generally. I have produced a few series of posters and, as a project, a collection of A5 postcards. I also often produce various forms of printed matter as part of the projects that I work on.
2. What does SAP mean to you?
SAP is an opportunity to help build a comprehensive catalogue of publications related to socially engaged art. This enables a better understanding of the practice and promotes it more widely. It also empowers and encourages artists to share and reflect on their practice through well produced documents.
“SAP empowers and encourages artists to share and reflect on their practice through well produced documents. ”
3. What publication about social art practice have you enjoyed recently?
I enjoyed ‘Social Works?: Open’ (Axisweb and Manchester Metropolitan University, 2018). It has a variety of short pieces which are really insightful, thought-provoking and inspiring. I bought this at the Social Art Network event in Sheffield in 2018.
You can find the D+ website here.