Our resources; Your Resources
We are collectively building a database of resources, organising tools and creative inspirations. We put them here to create a space for collaboration, inspiration and criticism. Many of them have been produced by people within the Social Art Network; others with respected allies. Feel free to send in content regardless; this is a living, growing database of learning. All credit belongs to to those who made each resource.
Safer Spaces and Accessibility
Online Participation Guidelines
Social Art Summit Accessibility Guide
Self-Care and the Sounding Board – Guidance for Finding Support
CVAN: A Brief Guide to Combining Accessibility with Creativity Toolkit
Unlimited’s Accessible Marketing Guide
Social Art Library
Partnership with Axis developing a new archive and archiving tool for social practice called the Social Art Library. Still in Beta form!
Social Art Practice
Reflections on the Social Art Summit 2018, by multiple contributors
Social Art Network & Summit Presentation
Social Art Network Assembly/Think Tank Invitation

Rules of Engagement Guide, by Anna Francis and Rebecca Davies
Rules of Engagement; Presenting Two Sides, Article by Anna Francis
PubLib Directory is an online database of information on socially engaged arts in the UK
Creative Approaches
The work of sociologist Richard Sennett
Out of Time, Out of Place: Public Art (Now), by multiple contributors and edited by Claire Doherty
Why Are We ‘Artists’?: 100 World Art Manifestos, by Jessica Lack
The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House, by Audre Lorde